WITFOR 2012 arrow Commissions
About Commissions

WITFOR addresses eight specific topics/areas and the content for these topics are handled by the commissions.

        1. Agriculture Commission       

        2. Building Infrastructure Commission     

        3. Economic Opportunities Commission      

        4. Education Commission      

        5. E-Government Commission      

        6. Environment Commission      

        7. Health Commission      

        8. Social, Ethical & Legal Aspects Commission

However, IFIP WITFOR 2012 to be held in India will address four specific areas under the following commissions:

       1. Agriculture Commission

       2. Education Commission

       3. E-Governance Commission

       4. Health Commission

These commissions will be instrumental in delivering the content for the event and for initiating and performing activities in between the conferences. The work in the commissions is fully done by volunteers and participation in the work is open to all persons who are interested in the goals, approach and topics of WITFOR and who are willing to actively contribute. You are invited to contact the Chair or the Co-Chair of the commission(s) of your interest and discuss the best way you can get involved. For contact details see the info for each separate commission given below.

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