WITFOR 2012 arrow Commissions arrow Education Commission
Education Commission Chair / Members

ICT is increasingly being used to diversify teaching methods, integrate classrooms, improve learning, train teachers and impart vocational skills to children to make quality education accessible to all. Some of the most visible examples of the use of new technologies are in the digitisation of content, the vocationalisation of education, improved evaluation and assessment techniques, as well as open and distance learning to provide a well- blended curriculum. Many countries are adapting new and innovative educational tools in their quest to harness the power of young populations to build a quality workforce.


Member: Prof. Asha Kanwar, President, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada

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Education Commission Chair

Prof. Alain Senteni, Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, UAE

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Education Commission Co-Chair

Ms. Radha S. Chauhan, Government of India

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Education Commission Co-Chair

Mr. Paul Nleya, Botswana

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