Environment Dave Swayne, Canada |
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website: http://www.crle.uoguelph.ca/dswayne affiliation: University of Guelph, Canada Professor David AB (Dave) Swayne is a Professor in the Computing and Information Science, University of Guelph in Canada since 1981. He holds several Adjunct appointments in Canada and abroad. He has been a William Evans Visiting Fellow of the University of Otago (NZ). He is a Fellow of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, and was a recipient of the Silver Core Award from IFIP (2008) Current research concentrates on the application of computing to environmental problems, using decision theoretical principles and graphical probability models, with an aim to link economic and engineering process models. Collaborative work with Environment Canada has put in place prototype and working environmental information systems at the national, regional and local levels: regional climate change modeling, particularly in the Arctic Great Lakes; acid rain deposition in Eastern North America; water pollution in the Great Lakes Basin and in the Northwest Territories; decision support for the Toronto (Canada) bioregion and also the Greater Vancouver (Canada) Water District; Lerma River / Lake Chapala in Mexico; Lake Malawi; the Murray-Darling River Basin in Australia and in Brazil. Our laboratory (the Computing Research Laboratory for the Environment or CRLE) has been a major contributor to Environment Canada’s various web services. Prototype systems have been developed for pulp mill effluent, ocean dumping and mining effluent, and Sustainable Community Indicators. A recent project involved land-lake-atmospheric regional climate change modeling, and parallel algorithms for environmental model auto-calibration. Research service contributions have included: editorships and contributions to five books;83 refereed articles and 88 other contributions to conferences and workshops, Dr. Swayne is an Associate Editor of the journal Environmental Modelling and Software, a Vice-President of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society and Chair of International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 5.11 (Computers and Environment), a working group of IFIP Technical Committee 5 (Information Technology Applications).