Infrastructure Ana PONT SANJUAN, Spain

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affiliation:  Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

 Ana Pont Sanjuan

Dr. Ana Pont Sanjuán is full Professor of Computer Architecture in the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain. She joints the Computer Engineering Department (www.disca.upv.es) in the UPV in 1987, and since 1998 until 2004 she was the head of the Computer Science High School in the UPV (www.ei.upv.es ). Her research interest include web and internet architecture, proxy caching techniques, CDN´s, communication networks, and also multiprocessor architecture, memory hierarchy design and performance evaluation. She also has participated in a high number of research projects financed by Spanish Government and Local Valencian Government. Currently she leads the Web Architecture Research group at the UPV where she has been advisor in several PhD Thesis and currently she is directly tutoring several more. She has published a substantial number of papers in international journals and conferences proceedings some of them awarded as best papers. She has been reviewer for several journals and regularly participates in the technical program committees of international scientific conferences. Since January 2005 she is the Chairperson of the IFIP TC6 Working Group 6.9: Communication Systems for Developing Countries (www.ifip.tu-graz.ac.at/TC6/index.htm).

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