

Dr. Chrisanthi Avgerou
Information System Department
London School of Economics
United Kingdom

Dr. Sundeep Sahay, University of Oslo, Norway
Mr. Jonathan Miller, Miller Esselaar & Associates, South Africa

The rationale of the proposed declaration.

Declaration annex

The new 'network society' of the Information Age does not come naturally to many disadvantaged communities and individuals. The transformation of an individual's mindset is needed to see where and how he or she fits into the emerging global society. This change must lead an individual to accept a new role shaped by ICT.
The challenge ahead is difficult because simply telling "these individuals" about the wonders of the ICT world that await them will not bring the desired result. People must be assisted to discover this for themselves.
This assistance process has up to now been insufficient and ineffective. Our understanding of the process has been fairly superficial to grasp its whole complexity, and the solutions have so far yielded weak results and failed to address the overwhelming complexity of the task.

If you are interested in participating in the work of a Commission, please contact the co-chair of the Commission.
You are also invited to participate in the discussion forum.


"WITFOR 2003 White Book is now published"

The final Vilnius Declaration can be read and downloaded here.

To learn more about WITFOR - Vilnius 2003 download the complete brochure

Themes of the Vilnius

For WITFOR 2003 Vilnius, the following have been identi-fied:

1.  Preparing the ground for ICT.
2.  Building the Infrastructure.
3.  Economic Opportunity.
4.  Empowerment and Participation.
5.  Health.
6.  Education.
7.  Environment.
8.  Social and Ethical Aspects.

WITFOR - Vilnius 2003