Commissioners / Chairs
  Vikas Nath
Mr. Nath is an Inlaks Scholar (2000-1), London School of Economics. He holds 2 Masters Degree, one in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics (UK) and the other in Natural Resources Management from the Indian Institute of Forest Management (India).

Mr. Nath is the Founder of two Information Technology for Development initiatives: and that are aimed at catalysing good governance in developing countries through strategic use of knowledge and technology, and creating a peer group of developing countries practitioners to foster South-South learning’s. In addition, he founded the Portal which is an electronic gateway for jobs and consulting opportunities in the international development sector.

Mr. Nath has worked in over 30 countries, including in USA, Europe, Eastern Europe and CIS, Middle East, and Central and South Asia on a range of projects on application of information technology in agriculture, small and medium enterprises, public sector reforms, good governance and rural development.

At present, he works as Knowledge Management Specialist with South Centre (an inter-governmental organization) in Geneva. Between July 2001 - March 2003, Mr. Nath worked as Policy Analyst with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in New York. During this time he was involved in research on provision and financing of public goods including Internet and the Global Communications Network. Prior to that he worked with the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, as a technical adviser on Agenda 21 and Environment and Sustainable development issues.

  Joachim Otte
Joachim Otte is a graduate of the Veterinary College of Hannover. Between 1984 and 1992 Joachim Otte worked in Colombia, first as an FAO associate expert and later as an expert of GTZ. In Colombia he was responsible for the design, implementation and analysis of herd health and production monitoring activities intended to form the basis of a national information system on livestock health and production. Joachim Otte was awarded a PhD in veterinary epidemiology and economics from the University of Reading in 1989. In 1992 he joined PAN Livestock Services, a consultancy firm based in the United Kingdom. Here he was also actively involved in the post graduate training activities of the Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit of the University of Reading. In 1994, Joachim Otte was appointed director of the Institute of Epidemiology of the German Federal Research Institute for Viral Diseases of Animals. Joachim Otte re-joined PAN Livestock Services as a Director in 1995, and worked as a consultant for a number of DFID (former ODA), GTZ and FAO projects concerned with veterinary education, animal disease control and re-organisation of veterinary services. In 1998 Joachim Otte joined FAO, where he currently acts as co-ordinator of the Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Facility and oversees the information component of the Animal Production and Health division.
  Edward Webb
Prof Edward C. Webb was born in Pretoria and matriculated in 1984 at Menlopark High School, Pretoria. He obtained the degrees BSc(Agric)(1988), BSc(Agric)(Hons)cum laude (1989), MSc(Agric)cum laude (1992) and PhD(1994) in Animal Science from the University of Pretoria. In 1989 he joined the research team concerned with Production Animal Physiology at the University of Pretoria and in January 1993 was appointed on the academic staff in the Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences. In 1997 he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Flemish Ministry and a travelling grant from the NRF to continue his studies at the University of Ghent in Belgium and Nutreco in the Netherlands. In 2005, Professor Webb was appointed as Head of the Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences at the University of Pretoria. His teaching responsibilities include pre- and postgraduate courses in Applied Animal Physiology, Meat Science and Functional Anatomy, and his research focus mainly on the effects of dietary factors on animal physiology, reproduction and meat quality, and modelling animal production systems. Prof Webb is an NRF rated scientist, received various awards for academic and scientific achievements, and has published more than 126 scientific publications, contributions and technical reports. Edward is married to Elizabeth and they have two daughters, Miné and Jenette.
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