Computerised decision support for rural goat production systems
The aim of this project was to develop a computerised decision support system to assist extension officers and farmers in optimising goat production in rural areas of southern Africa. According to Bembridge & Tapson (1993), collective improved livestock management should accompany the implementation of grazing schemes and breeding programmes on an integrated package basis. “Unlike crop production, commercial or high technology has equal application with commercial and small-scale stock owners in communal land.” (Bembridge & Tapson, 1993).

Computerised management and decision support systems in animal production appear to be accurate and realistic methods to assess with confidence the consequences of current and alternative management strategies (Webb et al, 1997). Such models were developed for pigs (Moughan & Smith, 1984; Whittemore, 1986; Black et al., 1987; Whittemore & Morgan, 1990; Pomar et al., 1991; Black et al., 1993), poultry (Emmans, 1981; Kleyn & Gouws, 1988; Talpaz et al., 1991) and ruminants (Black, 1984; Blackburn & Cartwright, 1987; France et al., 1987; Loewer et al., 1987; Dowle et al., 1988; Gillard & Monypenny, 1988; Korver et al., 1988; Bowman et al., 1989; Di Marco & Baldwin, 1989; Oldham & Emmans, 1989; Azzam et al., 1990; Blackburn et al., 1991; Werth et al., 1991).

Many modern electronic technologies are now utilised by the industry to assist in the continuous recording of animal performance. Examples of these include the electronic weighing of animals, devices that record milk production and composition, probes for backfat thickness measurements and electronic weather recording equipment (Black & Vickery, 1986). The industry now accepts the importance of electronic and computer technologies and therefore it is sensible to study and develop a computerised decision support system in order to improve goat production in southern Africa, without adversely affecting the environment.

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