Sponsorship Opportunities: World IT Forum (WITFOR) 2005

The World IT Forum (WITFOR) 2005 presents a valuable opportunity to market information and communications technology (ICT) products and solutions, and to showcase technology as a tool for development and economic growth.

More than 700 ICT professionals and decision-makers are expected to attend this year's Forum, representing a significant opportunity to engage with a high-level group of prospective customers.

In addition, technology and services will be required to support the various projects finalised at WITFOR 2005, opening up further business opportunities for the ICT and financial services industries.

Delegates, many of whom will be high ranking public sector decision-makers from SADC, Africa and beyond, may be well-disposed to organisations that have backed such a significant event.

WITFOR 2005 also provides the opportunity for networking between local, regional and global companies that are looking to expand into Africa. The potential for establishing strategic partnerships with such companies is vast.

Generous sponsorships and donations are invited to make WITFOR successful. Funds are required for the organisation of the Forum, for the extensive preparatory activities of the Commissions, to subsidise participants from developing countries, and to kick-start ICT projects.

Apart from a financial contribution by the Botswana Government, the major sources of revenue for this event will be contributions by the local ICT community, European Union, UN organisations, and sponsorships by multi-national corporations.

Sponsors are offered different levels of publicity at the conference depending on the level of sponsorship. Major sponsors will have their names and logos distinctively displayed on the Conference web site, as well as in Conference brochures, and will be allocated an exhibition position at the Conference venue. See sponsorship options.

Interested organisations, companies and individuals should please email the WITFOR Secretariat or Titi Nyadza or call +267 391-0384, or fax +267 390-7236.

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