WITFOR 2005 Environment Commission Report

Executive summary
This report summarises the findings of the WITFOR 2005 Environment Commission. The report gives an overview of typical environment applications and highlights the state-of-the-art in the research area. Environmental applications typically consist of two major element: an decision support element (which helps decision makers to make informed decisions) and an integration element, which consists of two parts: integration of very distinct tools and data integration across institutional, political and geographical boundaries. This is why environmental applications are typically very complex software systems.

Along with the spirit of WITFOR 2005, the commissions proposes to create a project-based collaboration between developing and developed countries which shall be based on two major activities: a capacity building activity and a research activity.

The capacity building activity shall enable developing countries to better use ICT in environmental applications. It will be based on joint conferences, seminars and short courses. This activity can be founded on similar activities carried out in the past in development countries but needs to be adapted considerably in order to satisfy needs of developing countries.

To read the complete document download the WITFOR 2005 Environment Commission Report (PDF 128 KB).

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