Education Commission unveils the Teacher Capacity Building Project

The Education Commission launched its Capacity Teacher Building Project at the third and final meeting of the commissions co-chairs’ meeting in Gaborone, last month.

The project aims to establish a SADC-wide teacher support network and enhancing professional development of secondary school teachers and teacher educators through the network of “change laboratories".

The project will help mobilise avant garde SADC region teachers and teacher educators to become change agents in improving the professional competence of the teacher communities, the quality of teaching and the learning environments of their students and themselves through a SADC-wide professional development project.

The project will start with a pilot group of Botswana teachers and teacher educators prior to the WITFOR conference in May 2005 and funding for the project will be sought from various international agencies and governments including the European Union, SADC and Finish government.

During the meeting, other commissions gave a status report of their work with the Health Commission Building Europe-Africa collaborative network for applying IST in the Health Care Sector (BEANISH) project presenting its final draft.

WITFOR Secretariat brief the Botswana ICT business community

A call on the local business community to participate in the upcoming World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) 2005 was made during a breakfast meeting held at Phakalane Golf Estates and Resort in Gaborone last week. An overwhelming number of the local Information Communications Technology (ICT) firms attended the meeting.

Participation at the WITFOR can be in different forms; individuals/companies can either sponsor the event in cash or in kind, or they can contribute to the various commissions or join the National Organising Committee sub-committees.

Several reputable multinational ICT companies and local IT companies have committed to participate.. These companies include Microsoft, Ericson, Fones 4U, Dimension Data, Cisco, Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, and Information Technology Integrators. Their contribution will complement the major donations received from the Botswana Government, the European Union, and other major international agencies.

Participating companies stand to gain from supporting this world event. WITFOR will provide an opportunity for local companies to engage with their international counterparts on matter of mutual interest. WITFOR sponsors will gain access to all the conference offerings free of charge and these include, use of the internet café, conference proceedings, refreshments and social activities.

A total of 11 exhibition cells are available for all major sponsors for the duration of the conference. Exhibitors will be expected to showcase ICT related projects that they developed on their own or in partnership with governments.

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